Points to Ponder

Do you believe, continuous-learning and updation of domain-skills & soft-skills benefit the individual and the overall-business?

What is the percentage of yearly-revenue you allocate for (L&D) learning & development needs?

Do you set a Training Calendar (Quarterly, Half-yearly or Annual) for various teams? Do you fix a target-days/hours per employee/per quarter/year?
What is your view on self-paced fully Virtual-learning vis-a-vis In-person or Virtual Instructor-led learning by experienced professionals/trainers?
Does your senior-management or leadership team huddle in an ‘out-of-office’ setting once a month or once a quarter to review, strategise or for any course-correction?
Do you have a few select external advisors/domain-experts/consultants working with Management Team on business-goals, culture and for direction-setting?

Do you voluntarily seek for accreditation from reputed bodies such as ISO/BSI/BIS/CMMI/Great-Place-To-Work and other relevant ones, in addition to mandatory certifications or compliance-standards that may be necessary, in your line of business.

If you are an educational institution, you may want to list your faculty-development initiatives and your efforts to train the passing-out-batch students for career or entrepreneurship readiness.